If any of the following opportunities interest you then you would be a great fit for the multitude of volunteer opportunities available at the Global Cooling Network:
Counteracting the effects of climate change and thereby advancing the quality of the environment,
Preserving forested land for animals and people,
Networking with others who share a strong desire to help the planet,
Contributing your time and expertise to growing organization,
Learning new skills and thus expanding your knowledge of nonprofits organizations, fundraising, grant research, land easement, event planning and more.
Land Management
GCN needs certified Ecologists and Geologist who can perform the land easement audits.
The land manager will perform an audit of the land easement by using the rules and guidelines in the easement to gauge whether the land is actually being used as dictated in the easement.
The land manager will subsequently build a report documenting any discrepancies in how the land is being treated and laying out how the property owner can take steps to get their land back on track.
Easement Donors Donating Cash
Plan: Include in the easement donation process a request that donors provide funds to pay for the first 10-20 years of land inspections for the property easement they are donating.
Strategy: Donors donating the actual property will be less likely to donate cash; however, donors donating the easement (not the actual real estate) are good candidates for soliciting funds to insure the land is inspected according to the easement agreement.
Individual Gift Solicitation (cash and property donations via website, telephone, email, etc.)
Annual Earth Day and Green Halloween Fundraiser Events
Federal and State Grants
Corporation Solicitations
Easement Donors Donating Cash
Estate Planning Giving
Volunteer Time: 5 Days of list & letter preparation
Search available grants to see which would be feasible for us to apply for. Apply for 3-4 grants/year.
Coordinate grant writing campaigns.
Federal and State Grants
Search available grants to see which would be feasible for us to apply for. Apply for 3-4 grants/year.
Volunteer Time: 15 Volunteers to coordinate grantwriting campaings.
Ready to become a volunteer?
Fill out the form below and let us know how you are interested in getting involved.