Role of Members
The Board of Directors of the Global Cooling Network is elected to serve the organization by furthering our key mission to preserve as many acres of forested land as possible in its natural undeveloped state. The Board is the highest governing body in the organization. The Board will have no less than three members at any given time.
Board of Director Commitments
Fundraising & Grants
Our board members are asked to give financially to the best of his/her ability
Contribute to fundraising efforts by personally reaching out to solicit contributions to the Global Cooling Network (Approximately 4 hours)
Contributing to the contact list compiled by the Board Chair for fundraising solicitations.
Researching and evaluating potential and available grants to see which would be feasible for the Global Cooling Network to apply for (Approximately 6 hours)
Meeting & Event Participation
Attendance at the monthly Board of Directors meetings
Attendance at other special meetings called by the Board
Voting on issues whether in person or by proxy
Voting members may submit a signed waiver of notice, before the meeting, if they cannot attend.
Participate in the annual Earth Day and Green Halloween fundraiser events
No compensation is to be paid to directors.
Offices, Election and Term
At the monthly meetings the Board of Directors will elect or appoint more members and may, in addition, elect or appoint at any time such other officers as it may determine. Any number of offices may be held by the same person. Unless otherwise specified by the Board of Directors, each officer will be elected or appointed to hold office for a period of one year, or until his successor, if any, has been elected or appointed and qualified, or until his earlier resignation or removal.
Board of Directors Application
An online application has been developed to help the current board members get to know the candidates and make informed choices among them. Please fill out the application form and email it to our Chairman of the Board, Phill Thomas, at PThomas@GlobalCoolingNetwork.com.
Phil Thomas
Chairman of the Board
Vice President