The CFC is the largest and most successful workplace giving campaign in the world. For more than six decades, federal employees have generously pledged more than $8.5 billion dollars to nonprofit organizations, including the Global Cooling Network.
Global Cooling Network would like to extend a special thanks to all federal employees and members of our armed forces that have shown support to CFC. Together we can assist in the sustainability of our environment for generations to come.
What Is The CFC?
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace charity campaign. Federal civilian, postal and military donors can choose from 6,000 of the most trusted non-profits in the country. The campaign’s mission is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order 10927 creating the campaign, which gave authority to the United States Civil Service Commission to organize nonprofit solicitations of federal government employees, thus creating what we know as the CFC. Since its inception, the CFC campaign has raised more than $8.5 billion for charities and people in need.
Participating In The CFC
Federal civilian employees, postal workers, military personnel, Federal retirees, and contractors are all eligible to donate via the Combined Federal Campaign. Nonprofits participate because they find it to be an efficient means of engaging the Federal workforce and a worthwhile way to increase revenue for their organizations.
Global Cooling Network Charity
People who want to take care of the planet would all like to preserve a million acres of forested land, but most of us don't have the resources to make that happen. If we band together, we can do it. The Global Cooling Network provides the opportunity for those concerned about the environment to help preserve 1,000,000 or more acres of forested land.
Contribute to Global Cooling Network
To contribute to the Global Cooling Network, use CFC number 54966. We thank all who designate their contributions to our organization and our nonprofit partners. Your donation makes a lasting impact on our community! Click here to give to the Global Cooling Network through the CFC.